Grow With us

Pass Consulting

Beyond providing good service, we have a responsibility with Colombia. That is why we share our knowledge and skills to others companies, destinations and regions in order to take advantage of it.

Local Experts

Events Experience

Certified Biosafety Company

Smart Money

Business competitivenessFind the area where you want to learn-develop your organization.

We may accommodate the topics to your needs and requirements, the important thing is the development around organization

Strategic Marketing

Product costs

Customer Support

Package design


Tourism sustainab-ility and quality

Destination DevelopmentChoose the area and we will give you the best options

Destination marketing

Projects management

Products design


We have worked with regions, we love it! You can develop products at destination, business strengthening, event preparation, project development and much more


From operating agencies, through hotels, master craftsmen to government institutions, chambers of commerce and NGOs

Blogs and CapsulesWe design content of interest to entrepreneurs, destinations or government companies. The intention is to keep up-to-date with real and market information that someone can use.

Items not available at the moment.

Neva Travels Co. Travel in Colombia with us and be part of this amazing idea. Excellent services, responsability and innovation. Our goal: your happiness.


Legal Documents

In furtherance of the provisions of Article 17 of Law 679 of 2001, the agency warns to the tourist that exploitation and sexual abuse of minors in the country are sanctioned criminal and administrative according to the laws Privacy Policy Neva Travels SAS in compliance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012 which regulates the collection and processing of personal data, and establishes the legal guarantees to which all persons in Colombia for the proper treatment of such information



In order to help you in a reliable way, we require a minimum information about your travel ideas. Please fill the following information:

Select an estimated date for tours or services, number of people, language and tour/service:
Number of people:*
Select Lenguage*
Select the type of event*
Select date*
Select a service
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In order to help you in a reliable way, we require a minimum information about your travel ideas. Please fill the following information:

Select an estimated date for tours or services, number of people, language and tour/service:
Childrens (under 4 years):
Select Language*
Select Tour or Service*
Arrival Date*
Departure Date*
Do you want to choose any tour on the list? Check them out or ask for any specific:
Look for a tour/service not in this list, please write it down.
Select the type of transfer you wish to quote, transfers in/out or per hours. Do not forget ask about "Combos":
Hour required the service:
Pick up time:
Do you want any recommendation with your layover tour? We recommend at least 5 hours at the airport if your thinking about leaving.
Flight Arrival
Flight Departure
Additional requirements*
We like to know the subjects related or issues you concern. Please let us know.